Simple ways to get more involved in the CSS community

Help someone in need

We provide meals, care packages, or other supports to tangibly love families in this community during hospital stays or other times of need. 

As the CSS community grows, we are not able to be aware of all of the needs. We need your help to identify families who would appreciate some extra support during acute times of need. 

child diagnosed with coffin-siris syndrome

Show Your Support

Stickers & Magnets

A few people around the CSS community have designed stickers and magnets to show their CSS pride. If you would want one (or a few), simply let us know.


All of the Coffin-Siris Syndrome community graphics created by the Foundation provided in this gallery are under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. Use it, Share it, Remix it, Give credit, don’t sell it. Email us with any questions.

Logos for the Coffin-Siris Syndrome Foundation have all rights reserved.